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Video: 9 Ways to Grow Faster with Data

Leading distributors are leveraging their data to get ahead. Here are the nine fastest ways distributors running Infor are using data to grow faster.

  1. Discover which brands, lines and products deliver your highest margins
  2. Understand upward and downward trends in sales and margins and see the connections behind what is driving those trends
  3. Identify areas to increase cross-selling and up-selling opportunities
  4. Uncover which sales reps deliver the most profit and why so you can train your other reps for improvement 
  5. Test which products and offers are performing the best across different customer segments
  6. Measure the impact of discounts and allowances on margins to help reps minimize discounts and maximize profit
  7. Focus on the customers, branches and reps with the highest revenue and profit opportunities for closer guidance
  8. Analyze how sales and margins perform against your forecast and budget to identify and close gaps
  9. Determine what deals are the least profitable to help reps improve their offers

Many distributors still struggle with their data. Tridex Systems makes it easy with our Data Warehouse, Infor expertise and managed services along with leading prepackaged analytics from EZlytix to help you grow faster with data.

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