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Video: 7 Distribution IT Challenges During COVID-19

Distributors are facing tests and challenges related to COVID-19 unlike any in recent history. 

As a result, IT teams are stepping up to ensure business continuity, systems availability and continuation of business processes.

Here are the top 7 challenges distribution IT teams face during COVID-19.

1.  Business Continuity. 
How do you keep your business operating as close to normal as possible with volatility across your supply chain and workforce?

2.  Productivity and Workflow Design. 
IT teams are being asked to examine new ways to boost productivity with remote working. Workflow design and automation allows you to do more with smaller in-person teams.

3.  Security Threats. 
Unfortunately, many companies find their systems under even more threat from hackers and criminals while their attention is drawn away during the outbreak.  It is important for IT teams to be even more vigilant in protecting their systems and environments.

4.  Access to Data. 
Access to accurate data, tools for monitoring, BI, data warehouses, data migration and visibility have become critical as distributors seek to maximize their profits under constantly changing conditions.

5.  Volatile Transaction Volumes. 
Up or down, regardless of your industry, all distributors are experiencing unexpected swings in supply, demand, inventory levels and customer behaviors have caused dramatic changes in transactional volume in every organization. How can IT provide better access, visibility and predictive capabilities to weather the storm?

6.  Extensibility Requests. 
Businesses are suddenly increasing their demand for custom applications and tools related to their responses to COVID-19.  This might include everything from workflow visibility, alerts and event management, customer communication, inventory accuracy and visibility and more. 

7.  Database and Application Support. 
Distributors have a greater need for database expertise and end-user application support now that more employees are working remotely. 

Is your team prepared to face the unique challenges and opportunities ahead? We would love to help you map a plan forward.  Please contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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